The Digital Forensics Lab Welcomes A New Year

Blog1A new semester has begun, and with that the Center for Digital Investigation is back in full swing. With this new year comes new staff, new students and new projects!

We would like to welcome Joseph Williiams, who is a new member of the staff here at the LCDI. As a former member of the IT division of the Navy for seven years, we are glad to have him on board as the new Team Project Leader. All of us at the LCDI look forward to working with him in all of our projects.

Another warm welcome goes out the students who join us in the projects for this year. This collaboration allows students to work on research projects and to assist local police departments and other clients with forensic analysis, data backup, and data recovery. Please check out the Research & Development page for more information on the current projects facilitated by our students.

This year we have Kyle Heath, Jason Hall, Alex Caron, Giovanna DiSipio, Megan Percy, Corrie Erk, Colby Lahaie, Chapin Bryce, Dan Doonan, Freddy Morey, Tim Fernalld and Ethan Fleisher. Please view our people page to learn more about the students who are a part of the center.

More Research Projects
CyberRange Team: Creating The Perfect Sandbox Environment
The Internet of Things Team: An Inside Look
CyberTech: Creating a Safer Internet Through Education