May 19 – 22, students from Champlain College, including myself, were awarded the opportunity to attend the CEIC (Computer and Enterprise Investigation Conference) put on by Guidance Software in Las Vegas. It was an excellent opportunity to network with representatives from brands such as Cellebrite, FireEye, Oxygen, and more. Additionally, there was time to meet with and talk with individuals in the industry, such as David Cowen and Victor Limongelli, during breaks in the session schedule. All of the sessions provided to us by CEIC were informative and easy to understand. Some of the sessions I was able to attend included:
- Smart Phone Forensics
- Cross-Platform Recovery and Analysis of Social Media and Chat Artifacts
- Finding Data on Wearable Computing Devices
- Advanced Computer Forensic Analysis
- SSD Forensics
- Defrag Forensics
- Removing Malware
- Vehicle System Forensics
- APT Attacks Exposed
- Advanced Decryption
- Criminal Investigation of a DDoS Attack
I’d like to thank Champlain College, its faculty, Guidance Software, and CEIC for this enlightening experience. More information on what I learned in these sessions will be available soon on my personal blog.
Zach Reichert
Sophomore Champlain College